Mutchmor Lodge is a non-profit organization offering independent/assisted living for seniors in a peaceful atmosphere with freedom. Through your volunteer service experience, you will make new friends, learn new things about yourself and others, and also contribute to the well-being of others. Some of our Recreation Programs include Special Events, Entertainment with live music and dancing, sing-alongs, exercises and walking groups, board games and cards, crafts, gardening, pet visitation, seasonal decorating and movies on the big screen. We hope to create an opportunity for new experiences and learning for you at Mutchmor Lodge.
We are always in need of volunteers, you can contact us at 306-352-8034. We would love to hear from you!
The goals and objectives of the Mutchmor Lodge Volunteer Program are:
To supplement existing programs provided by the staff of Mutchmor Lodge
To provide a coordinated plan for the Volunteer process through registration forms, interviews, orientation, placement and follow-up.
To expand the Volunteer Service through continuous recruitment.
To promote a positive image of Mutchmor Lodge through public relations and recruitment
To provide access to educational in-services within Mutchmor Lodge